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Support Oak Grove

Message from the OGCS President

“A Community Effort for A Community Treasure”

The OGCS mission…. “is to support the City of Brunswick, the descendants of those at rest and the public with the protection, preservation, conservation and maintenance of Oak Grove Cemetery." That is OGCS's only purpose. In 2017, OGCS accomplished seven major projects from the Master Plan in addition to the cleaning and repair of many monuments, our greatest work. OGCS volunteers also raked and cleaned the grounds monthly during Second Saturday Clean-ups. All of these accomplishments were achieved due to volunteers and generous donations from OGCS members and community businesses. Together, we are improving the community by creating a safe, beautiful place for the public to visit and learn of Brunswick’s history and heritage. The OGCS's efforts are restoring their legacy. 


In 2018, we look ahead at new projects that will improve and enhance Oak Grove; new events that will support the public. OGCS, an ALL volunteer charity, only receives funding from generous donors and grants. There is no funding from the City of Brunswick or other sources. The OGCS 2018 Operating Budget is only $1,200. All remaining finding supports the Master Plan of Projects. Without your donations none of this work is possible. Our 2018 memberships are now due. Your dues are donations that help fund this work. Please choose a level of donation and complete the form below or download a form and mail your check today. Your generous donations are creating for the community A PUBLIC PLACE OF HISTORY, HERITAGE AND TRANQUILITY. Thank you.

Please help the OGCS preserve Oak Grove Cemetery for future generations.

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